Following HillBilly Filly Advice
What a great idea! I love to get to know people. DID ya ever wondered how people described you physically. I am they describe me something like, short brown hair and heavy, or maybe even fat. So I am so Anxious to revamp my description. But anyway...
It seems that I am the only one here from Somerset...?
I am very much a people person, but I will admit my weight holds me back from being as outgoing as I wouldl like to be.
1) I am 26 yrs old, married in August 2006, we have a daughter together she is 2 and beautiful
2) I graduated from Lindsey Wilson College with a B.A. in Biology, But right now I am working for L.R. General Contractors. The owner and estimator are friends and I have a lot of flexiability with the little one. That is very important to me right now.
3) I love to read, cook, plant flowers, shop, and be around all my family. I am planning on growing my first garden next year, and I am going to grow some fresh herbs for cooking as well.
4) My husband went to college at Union College in Barbourville, he played football there.
5) I am seriously thinking about going back to school in the fall of 07 to begin getting my Masters to teach college Biology and Anatomy & Physiology.
I am so glad that I found this web-site, you guys seem great!!!!!
It is nice to know that someone knows exactly what I am feeling. ONLY 14 days will my surgery...I am freaking out.
And I am going to get some pictures of me on here, hopefully Monday or Tuesday, so you all can put a name with a face.
Merry Christmas to ALL!!!!!!!!!!
HI Miranda!
Congrats on your surgery. 2 weeks will FLY by! I am in Danville, so not too far from Somerset. We get down that way about once a month, as I have clients in that area. Have you tried growing any of your herbs inside on the window sill? Thats where I keep mine. They grow back perfectly and they are handy! Congrats again!