I went to my visit today and it was a long one. Did the pysc evaluation(y do they have to b so long) talked to the pysc, nutritionis****ched films and had my blood work done. It was very informative and I learned alot but I'm still undecided on which surgery to have. Oh also had a phsical done(I hate them) the ins. Lady said it shouldn't take very long to get approval with my ins. So I'm hoping it doesn't. After I get approval and go back 4 my next appointment I will get a surgery date at that appointment. That is awesome!. I just hope she is right and I get approved fast. The waiting is killing me lol. Patience is not one of my strongest virtues I guess. Anyway hello to everyone and I hope everybody is doing fine and hope to b on the losers bench real soon......Tony
I remember when I first started, I thought the process was going to take forever. I'm sure that I was not the easiest person to deal with--poor staff at St. Joes--they were always supportive.
The thing is, it will be over before you know it and you'll be thinking, "wow, that was fast."
Mike and I did the psyche evaluations together (in the same room) and we couldn't stop laughing at the way they asked the same 7 questions over and over and over and over again. That alone was enough to drive someone crazy!
You'll be on the losers bench before you know it and there is always plenty of room around here for another seat.
Welcome to the boards by the way--