MIMI.....I got a new hair cut!!!!!
I too have been shopping. Its such a hard time. All this work and it is over in just a few hours. My girls still believe, or so they say, but they have been snooping and found a big art kit. I am so mad at them, but then again I remember snooping. They are in the 3rd grade and there are kids who know. So bumed out this will be the end of Santa. On Thanksgiving I was 160 now I'm at 147-148-150-147 bouncing around their. In size 8 not trying to lose. Feel great, just stay so physically active now. Oh well that is a problem I have never had. You take care and keep in touch.
I'm so glad you like it. I would feel bad if you took my advice and it looked bad. I'm doing pretty good with the band. I have good moments and not so good moments. I am eating ok and getting my protein in. I drink lots of liquids. For some reason, I want a piece of chocolate cake with choc icing and a big glass of ice cold milk right now. I don't know why I want this...but that is what I want. I'll get though it. I pinched a piece of a choc muffin off and that seems to be curbing the craving for the moment.
Thanks for asking
I'm glad you are doing better!

You look so great with your new hair-do! I really like it on you and the highlights in it are fabulous. I am glad that you're doing better, and yay on getting released from the doc!
I hope that we will be able to get together soon. Maybe we can go out to dinner sometime soon.
You're really looking good; thanks for sharing!
Take care--