Hair Loss

Leslie A.
on 12/10/06 7:57 pm - Radcliff, KY
Hi, My name is Leslie. I am new here and was reading the other day about hair loss and now I can't find the postings :-( I had my open RNY 8/11/06, and last month really started losing hair. I also have dermatitis on my head, sort of like cradle cap! I am using a medicated shampoo for that to help it and maybe it is getting a little better, but the hair loss is really becoming noticeable, at least to me. Especially when I first get out of the shower, when it is wet. I don't feel comfortable wearing a ponytail any more because most of my hair loss is near my ears, around the edges of my hiar line. Does anyone know how long the hair loss will last and is there any one out there that has had PERMANENT hair loss. Am I worrying too much? I have good days, think I can handle it, I have lost 84 lbs so how bad could things be?!?!?! But I hate feeling so bad about something I can't control. Thanks for any information. I love this site and love being a part of this community. Hugs, Leslie
Sarah B.
on 12/10/06 10:12 pm - Cincinnati, OH
First of all... CONRATS on the loss that is awesome!!! I lost what seemed like chunks and handfuls when i was in the shower and when i got out of the shower. I think (not completely sure) my hair started coming out around 3 mos post... and I noticed it tapering off around the 6 month mark. I had long hair and took the advice to cut it off because "it will be less devastatin in the shower" no it wasnt... it was still alot of hair just shorter pieces. I used nioxin shampoo and that seemed to help a bit and I also started taking biotin. My hair was thick before surgery and it is thinner now but it seems to be growing better and hopefully it will get thicker as time goes on. I'm not sure this will be much of a help... but atleast you know you arent alone. Sarah
Leslie A.
on 12/11/06 5:21 am - Radcliff, KY
Thanks. I was reading your profile and I really liked where you were telling yourself, sort of reminding yourself how much you have accomplished. You were telling your sister that you were still a big girl and then you were like "WTH" hahaha. THAT right there is why support is so important. It is so hard to wrap your mind around and to really believe the changes in yourself. I trip out over it every day!!! But it is like therapy talking about it, even just writing in your profile the daily crap that runs through our minds. Putting down in words helps tremendously! Thanks for the info about hair loss. That is what my doctor also said (my pcp) that it is the stress of the surgery, and that it could last up to 6 months. I am not sure, but if this lasts until 6 months, HUSTON, WE HAVE A PROBLEM!! I had hair that was very thick before as well. And curly so if I didn't tame it it was like I had a fro, no kidding. But now I can wear it down without taming it, CRAZY lol I don't care whether it comes back thick again in that respect but the thinning part where I have like bald patches, that is what is bugging me. Thick or thin, I just want it to come back!!! I am going to try the things you suggested. Maybe it will give me peace of mind if nothing else, know what I mean? Or maybe help it to not be so bad. Who knows!!! Trying to be positive and not let it bug me too much, how am I doing?!?! lol thanks again, I appreciate it very much.
on 12/11/06 8:54 am - cincinnati, OH
I had my surgery 8/9 and just recently started noticing chunks of hair coming out and I was worried.... I am going to try the biotin and see if that helps. My hair is so very thick also, but it's my prized possession so I am worried that it will thin out too much... I guess I can always wear it curly and it might not look so bushy anymore ...
Leslie A.
on 12/11/06 10:43 am - Radcliff, KY
Hi Tina, Yeah wearing mine down and curly is the key to my NOT feeling that people are aware of it. When it is wet, and I pull it back for like a ponytail or whatever, that is when it is the most noticeable. Good luck with yours!! :-)
vickie R.
on 12/11/06 10:34 am - danville, KY
Hi Leslie. i started losing mine at 4 mo out,im talkin a drain full each shampoo,well i took bioten and i used redken shampoo, and i am still losing hair lol,im 14 mo out at i am losing mine do to malnurishment, i am going to go get mine cut just to give me some body.......but i really have not found a good defense, i just think that protein is our main answer.........congrats on your weight loss........vickie
Leslie A.
on 12/11/06 10:51 am - Radcliff, KY
:-( I don't think I will be malnurished, I can take my prenatals and iron every day plus I can drink milk and eat most things, tiny bit at a time that is, huge downfall, the part that is going to really screw me up is the fact that I can't stand protein shakes!!!!!!!! I am trying again though. I did, for the first time the other day, drink a whole 8 oz glass of 1% milk with a scoop of the chocolate unjury. Yuk Yuk Yuk. I wish so bad I liked it :-( But I think one thing that is going on with me is the fact that I quit smoking last January, in preparation of surgery and wanting to change my WHOLE life, not just my eating. So now my nose is like 'HELLO'!!! I can walk into the house downstairs and if there is the slightest mold at the bottom of my shower curtain UPSTAIRS, I can smell it downstairs!!!!!!!!!! Everyone thinks I am crazy but man it sucks having my nose be so hypersensitive now!!! So, therefore, I smell that whey and it ain't pretty smellin' either! LOL Oh yeah, I am screwed up alright!!! But, on the positive, my energy level is out of this world and I feel great! Thanks everyone for the response and for your help. I appreciate it!!!
on 12/11/06 11:58 am - Florence, KY
Hi there. Welcome to this crazy board! Congrats on the weight loss. That is soooo awesome!! (I sounded a little bit like a valley girl for a second.. ) Anyway, I am only 3 weeks out and I have not lost any hair yet. What I DO know about this subject is PROTEIN PROTEIN PROTEIN helps. Another little trick is to cut it in a style that allows for the bald patches to be covered. A good style is a bob haircut because it is meant to be worn down and it can be stacked up in the back...this gives thin/thinning hair the illusion of being thicker. I have naturally fine hair and I wear mine this way to make it look thicker. Another trick is to change the color. Honestly, if you go will look thicker. It looks like you already have dark hair...maybe even some highlights/low lights to give it texture. The idea is that you probably won't be able to stop the hair may be able to slow it, until it stops on its own....give it the ILLUSION of being thicker and healthier looking. Good luck to you!!!
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