What everyones plans for New Years????
Ok here is ours. If it is not snowing, maybe a little, we are camping at Butler. Can you believe it. We are going to have a huge fire going non stop. We are taking sparklers and poppers for the kids. We can go into town to shop at the outlet and there is the lodge we can eat at if we don't want to cook. I plan on taking a walk and lots and lots of warm clothes. I think it will be a blast and only 10bucks a night. We have a 27 foot bunkhouse with a furnace. Its nicer than my home. New last year so we won't be roughing it just relocating. Anyone interested let me know. They have cabins you can rent or you can stay up in the lodge.
You think about it . Guess what movie I am watching. One of my favorites. Song of Bernadette. Its been years. Oh well its starting. Can't sleep. I made a xmas tree for mom tonight. Do you think that is stupid. Its a little green tree and I hot glued ornaments and bows on it. Rick said he can make it so it won't blow away. I think daddy is doing a big wreath this year. I ask him to do something diffrent.
Love ya
I will be working no ifs, ands or buts. I more or less work the first two weeks or so straight. It is just about the busiest time of the year for my company. But I will make sure that I get my birthday off and the following morning too. (January 3rd) The next morning is when I go see Dr. Tom to get this started again. Wow its less than a month till I see him.