i just need to vent!!!
well as many as you no i have been struggling with my weight,im trying to put back on 10lbs i am currently 114 or 112 on most days, well i am getting so depressed, i have bought alot of clothes when i thought i was maintaining at 125lbs, i am up tp 2500 calories and that is with 2 protein shakes, i just cant enjoy myself i wear a size 3 i wanted to stop at a 7 or 8, i am getting so down on myself and all these people are telling me i look unhealthy,i dont no if i need a depression medicine or just stay in the house and hide!!! I had wls to be healthy and to be able to buy clothes and feel good about myself,but here in the last 2 mo i feel like crap........what if anythind can i do to uplift my spirits, my hubby says you look great and sexy,but i feel like a stick and just flabby as hell.........well anyways thanks for listening or reading..........love ya all!!
Hey you know what????It's ok to feel crappy. You have earned it. So you are sick, you are getting better they fixed it. The weight will come back on. You now have a metablism so it may take a little while, not like before when we could gain a good 5-7lbs in a week. And besides its winter and we can hide all the flab. As for when people tell you you look sick, just thank them and tell them you have been very sick but you are better now and all prayers are welcome. That should shut them up. You look beautiful!!!! You are going to be fine. By spring you'll look hot in that two piece bathing suit. You hang in there. Be tough for that little girl its a busy time of year. Its depressing enough and I am sure with what all has happened it makes it worse. Maybe your doctor would give you a little something. I have been on provac for years. Lexipro is what I hear really does the trick. Its something to think about. But you go a head and feel crappy because it's ok.
Love Ya
Thanks Jane, you are right,everyday i am feling better,and i can eat, i am thankful for being fixed. I was on lexapro before surgery and maybe i need to go back to family doc and see what she thinks. Im on the road to recovery............you take care and enjoy the holidays.....................love ya Vickie
u look great flabby me to lol it makes me sad to about my flabb as long as ur husband thank ur sexy try to be happy i wish i was were u are ar about 125 im 139 so i hope i will be there soon u will pick back up no that all ur surgerys are done
im on all kinds of depression meds and i hate it i wish i caould just stop takeing them but i cant i have been in and out of crazy hospitals lol and rehab places i hope i never have to do that again good luck
Don't sweat it chick. The docs have you all fixed up now. The weight you need to put back on will come. I am a firm believer that set backs like this are just lifes little tests. Keep your chin up, keep doing what your doing and things will get better. You look great. You have come so far. Just remember you are inspiration to so many on here, me included!
I agree with Jane and Hillbilly. You have been through so much and if you're having a bad day, that's ok. Also, you are fixed and it's going to take a little time to get back to good health; your body needs time to heal.
I don't know what people are telling you you look sickly, because they obviously aren't looking close enough. You are lovely. Yes, you're sick, but you're coming back.
This is such a busy time of year and there is so much to do and it can be a depressing time as well as a happy time. I do hope you call your doctor and maybe go ahead and get yourself an antidepressant to help out. I hate to hear that you're down and down on yourself. You've accomplished so much in your life and still with all your illness, (of which was not any of your doing) you are still an active participant in your daughters life.
Listen to Stephen, you're a sexy chicka and I see things getting better for you.
If you need to talk--call me!