Everyone I was called from the dr's office today and I go to see the dr on dec.13....I'm so excited to gettin this whole process on the way. I hope everything goes well. I dont have any co-morbidities except for chronic back and neck pain, painfull joints,,,u know ,the common problems with being over-weight. I have a bmi of 46.7 so my ins. Should pay with no problems. They only pay if ur morbidly obese which I am so the ins. Lady said once again that I shouldn't have a prob with ins. God I hate sayin the words morbidly obese but hopefully that will b a thing of the past soon. Still tryin to quit smokin..I'm doing it but my God it's hard.... Well everyone thanks 4 listening and I'll b prayin 4 each and everyone of you. I'm gonna update my profile in a little while so b lookin 4 it. Oh yeah, anyone with info or suggestions on which surgery is best and why u think that way please let me know..I'm stuck on not knowing which one to have yet...Thanks and God bless each of you
Hi Tony,
Congrats on getting your appointment...And hang in there on the smoking...I used having a date as an incentive...As far as which type...this is a personal choice...Do your research...and talk to your Dr. on what he would recomend...I had bypass...I was afraid that knowing that it could be reversed with the band that I would get frustrated and insist on it being reversed...But thats me...My surgeon recomended the Bypass also...He didn't think I would be satisfied with the band, partly because my sister and daughter had had the bypass, and the weight loss is much slower with the band...I know people who are very successful with both types of surgeries...My sister had the Band the mon. before Thanksgiving, and is doing very well...I am very happy with my decision, and I know it was the right choice for me...Either way...WLS is a tool that we need to learn how to be successful...I wish you all the best Tony...Keep us posted...