Calling all those that walked in my shoes; I have questions, please.......
I've set up my seminar date for Dec. 26th with Dr. Keller, has anyone had him for a doctor? Just wondering what is required before surgery...I know I'll learn most of that at the seminar, but I'm getting excited and thought you guys could give me the heads up. I'm having the lap band, not sure if I'm doing the bypass lapband or just the regular lapband. I would love to hear from different people who have had both to help me decide which one I need.
Does Dr. Keller require you to lose weight prior to surgery? I've heard some doctors do, I don't care if he does, I'll be fine with that. Just wondering, though. As well, I have another question......I'm not sure if my insurance will cover this, my BMI is 40, but I don't have any major problems, except for knee pain and acid reflux (which is major to me, but I don't take any type of meds except prescribed previcid for the acid reflux) of now, I'm not diabetic, no high bp, or etc...just a matter of time; I'm sure.
Thanks for your help and I'm praying for all of you that have walked before me, you're my inspirations and role models.
Thanks= Amanda
hi amanda
i dont no ur doctor but most dr would like u to lose weight mine did and if u smoke u need to stop now most dr wont do surgery unless u are smoke free for 3 months mine did it was very hard but i done it about insurance there are so many things thay look at i has medicare my husband insurance would not pay anything that had to do with wls my starting weight was 228 im down 88 pounds 140 it has been 6 months i had bypass im so glad i didnt get lapband but everyone is different good luck i hope u can get ur surgery email me anytime