Help Help Help
It's crazy but I am craving sweets today. I have steered clear but I want some buckeyes or my husbands family makes Kentucky Cream Candy. I want some so bad I could steal it right now. So I am taking some deep breaths. Going to make a cup of Hot SF Chocolate and find something to do to get busy. I was rummaging the cupboard for some chocolate chips. Must be hormonal. Go figure. Wt is still dropping. Down to 151 this AM. Eating lots of the right stuff. My water has not been up to par. Been drinking a lot of dec coffee. I am freezing. I hope Santa brings me an electric blanket or some real thick PJ> I don't know how I will make it through the winter.
Have a great night
Love Yall
Hi Jane, i have never wanted a piece of fudge so bad till i seen someone eating it last night lol, so today i went to walmart and i bought me a reese cup and i ate it,i figure7 grms of sugar is way better than 50 lol,but when i want something i just try to find something a little better,but i didnt say healthier, i am normal doc said because he said never deprive yourself just make it a good choice and today was my have ya been???? With the holidays coming i will go crazy,i have to make all the good candy because the rest dont no how!!!! I ask for a blanky to ya soon!!!! vickie
Hey Jane, i have been feeling alot better, I tried some foods this weekend but chicken doesnt sit well now,so i am still doing veggies and some meats but mostley moist foods. I want to go shopping but my body is still so tierd. But i no that as the weeks come ,i will get better. You take care and dont freeze its gonna be a cold week!!!
Gosh Ryan you are so in touch with our needs and feelings. What a wonderful idea!!!!
We went shopping today with the girls at the mall. OMG That will be my last trip. Stress level really high right now. I am sitting in front of my little heater making dishrags. I crochet them. So I am getting my mind out of the kitchen. We really need to plan an evening together before or in between Christmas and New Years.
You take care. Are you working tonight?
Like you I am craving ice cream and a caffenine free diet coke. I could eat a gallon of ice cream now. I have eaten 3 popicles - they are not taking care of the craving. I am about to go to bed and cover up and what HGTV and hopefully fall asleep soon. I don't know what will stop my craving. I think I am about to give in and take a drink of the diet coke........................Well that won't help anything, you are right we need to find something to keep busy. I guess I could do some research on the computer or figure out to get my printer working ?????????????
I am about to buy another computer, the guy that worked on mine sometime back has taken off my "Word and Excel" and I have lost the discs to reload. I can buy a new computer cheaper than I can buy those programs. Sorry just rambling.......