Thinking about it???
I have been considering having lap band surgery and have some questions and need help...Who's the best doctor to go to in Louisville for Lap band procedures? I currently weigh 260 and I'm 5'8 (BMI is 40) and I'm 36 years old....I've tried every weight loss imaginable and the only one that ever worked was a divorce...ha ha....I quiet eating for 6 months and lost 100 pounds, then I remarried and gained it all back, isn't love GRAND!
Anyway, I want to do the lap band because it requires less time off work and while researching it; I feel it's the best option for I've made that decision. Now, I'm looking for a qualified surgeon and one that will go the extra mile with my company insurance (which is a privately owned-in house insurance company). I also want someone that will be patient with me.
I hate exercising and pretty much would rather stop eating than consider doing any type of this going to be a problem? I'm just being honest, right now, I don't like exercise because my knees hurt and I'm pretty lazy, maybe that will all change if I have this surgery?? But now, after working 8 hours and doing homework with my 7th grader, I just want to watch TV and be a couch potato.
So besides the two previous questions regarding a good surgeon and the exercise thing, here's a few other questions I have:
How long does it usually take from your initial visit to the doctor and the surgery?
How many post op visits to the doctor do you have to make, I live about an hour from Louisville and was just wondering how many trips I would have to make prior to surgery?
Has anyone ever used a payment plan at one of the doctors in Louisville? If my insurance says no, is there other options besides coming up with the cash all up front?
Thanks for your help, my email is [email protected] if anyone would like to email me information.
Hi Amanda
First of all, congratulations on making this decision. It is a very personal decision to make. Good for you!
I live in Northern KY, so I won't be able to answer the doctor question.
I wanted to address your question about Exercise. I completely understand your feeling about exercise. I would rather do just about ANYTHING than exercise. I won't lie to will need to exercise at some time. Why? Because exercise will make you healthier. I know that at 260 lbs, it hurts to exercise. I also understand that being a couch potato and being lazy is much more appealing. We are overweight and have no energy. I, for one, hope that I will have more energy once I lose some of this weight. Once I lose some weight, exercise won't be as painful. I plan on starting out slow...walk. You can go for a walk with your child. Any movement is better than no movement at all. This will be better for your heart, weight loss efforts, energy, metabolism, etc. I promise to practice what I preach. I had Lap Band 2 weeks ago and I still do not feel quit like exercise yet. I do, however, HOPE that I will begin to do something soon. Hang in there....
As far as time between my initial visit and surgery took about 3 months...
The number of visits required will vary between surgeons and what kind of program they have. My doctor has an EXCELLENT program and I would recommend this to anyone that is considering surgery. I had a consult with him. I then set up an appointment with the Nutritionist in a group setting. I had an appointment with a Psychologist. I then had a 1 on 1 appoint with the Nutritionist. I had to have an UGI, Sleep Study (1 visit with the doctor, 1 overnight visit to test for apnea, another visit with the doctor to get results, another sleep study to get set up for C-pap machine). I then had 4 group meetings (1, each Monday). After all of this, I was done with the requirements. I then waited for insurance approval. I was denied the first time. I waited 1 month for the appeal to go through and was finally approved on 11/2. I had my surgery on 11/20.
If you have any questions, please contact me. I'd be happy to help you in any way along your journey.
Hi to both of you, and how are you doing Mimi?
There are several bariatric surgeons in the Louisville area. I had Dr. Jorge' Rodriguez to begin with and loved him!! But, he is on medical leave now. My surgeon is now Dr. Allen. I haven't actually met him yet, but feel confident he will be great. He is the doctor who started all of this bariatric stuff in Louisville. He has been doing it the longest, next to Dr. Rodriguez. There are other doctors too and everyone thinks their doctor is "The Best"!! So, it will have to be your decision. I know there is a doctor named Geller and one named Shina, and many more. But, I would research all of them before I made my decision if I were you. Everyone bases their decision on different things. I'm sure you will find the one for you. You can research them on this site. Just click on Bariatric Surgeons and go from there. You may want a surgeon that uses a certain Hospital. So, you could click on Bariatric Hospitals, then research their surgeons.
All I can say is good luck to you!! There are so many great doctors out there! Keep us posted and let us know who you choose.
Hi Amanda,
I cant answer your question about which Dr. to choose, but I wanted to comment about exercise...I too hate to exercise, But since my surgery I have a lot more energy...I walk now up to 3 miles most days(depending on the weather), and I use a gazelle....which is kind of boring, but I can watch TV while exercising...It doesn't have to be aerobic type, or high impact exercise...Just something...I no longer have the pain in my knees, or my back. My surgery was 10/16 and had RNY bypass...I have lost 32 pounds in 7 weeks, and feel wonderful...Good Luck with your surgery, and welcome to the board...You will get a lot of support here, and soon you will be on the losers bench with the rest of us.