Call and make an appointment for the beginning of January...If you call now, you can probably get in the first week. As far as your insurance card goes, as long as you have the insurance..you can call them and tell them that you have a doctor's appointment and they can give you the information needed until you get the actual card
Last time I switched they had the new card to me in dec. just waiting for the turn of the year. Yes I will try to call tomorrow and get the appointment for whenever the doc is in the first of the year. MAybe they just need the new insurance so that it can be submitted without me coming in again. The coord told me all my classes would be valid I might have to do the GB test again and whatever other tests we didn't do the past time.
Ok as long as my sitter dosen't wuss out on me I will so be at that meeting. It will be wonderful to see everyone again and meet new ppl. Secret handshake????? I guess I will have to learn it too. You know you have a big ole group to sneak ya in Ryan geesh lol. See yall Tues. OMG I said or typed yall..