Funniest WOW moment so far...
Well I've had my most hilarious WOW moment since surgery. The other day I went in to Adams co to pick up his check stub. I told the guard I was there for Adam Russell's check stub. There was a guy standing at the counter and he said I know Adam are u his daughter? I just about fell over laughing, I said no, but thanks for the laugh. I told him Adam was my husband. He couldn't believe it. Adam is only 39 and heck, I'm 29. I don't look that young. It was funny. Adam didn't think so. He seemed to think that guy was flirting with me. I got a good laugh out of it.
It is with a heavy sick heart that I write this to u. I am so ashamed of myself right now. I let my friends know that I had posted about helping them with Christmas and they weren't even appreciative. It really humbled me that so many wanted to help but when I told her she was like "really, thats good, Bryce likes xbox games, he wants a brand new one" That just killed my heart. I was just devastated. I came on here asking people to help them because I felt so badly for them. For their son. He doesn't understand why daddys sick and I just wanted him to have a Christmas. Well, use your own judgement. I've given u the addy and if u still want to help then God Bless ya. I will still send something cause I'm a soft hearted idiot that can't stand to see a child suffer even though his parents aren't appeciative. I was so humbled for the responses I got the other day. Again I am sorry for bringing it up in the first place. I was just floored by her response. I thought she would be overwhelmed like I was just thinking that someone was going to send her son a toy or a gift card. I am sure that Bryce would have appreciated the stuff and its up to anyone if they still want to go ahead and send whatever they were going to, but I could not in good conscious let u all do that without knowing this. I am sorry again, I just thought I was doing the right thing by asking for help. It did come from my heart and I was humbled by the generosity and love by the good people on here that have come to be like family to me. Please forgive me for misjudging her and thinking she would be overwhelmed just like I was. I don't know why they weren't. Her grandmothers funeral was today so maybe she just had something on her mind. I don't know. She just seemed so cold and unfeeling about it. I'm just torn up over it. I do thank u, all of u from the bottom of my heart. Love, Ange