okay Kentucky members
Hey Ryan,
I would love to try the Y....
Things I am looking forward to...Definately riding a horse again...I used to ride all the time when I was younger...but havent been on a horse in 25 years or more...
Shopping for clothes...I am already off blood pressure meds...so that is one goal that has already happened...
Enjoying the extra energy that I already have...
Going to a water park and going down the big water slides...without fearing that I will get stuck halfway down...
Here is a silly....Having a man give me a second look...and maybe a whistle...that has never happened...LOL
Sex...won't go there cause my whole family is on here....Private thoughts...LOL
Here are a few...
Glad the buddah is back...
Well, for me its mostly the same as everyone else has been saying. All but the airplane seats, I haven't had the pleasure yet. I guess being accepted now as before I didn't feel that I fit in. I might have if I had liked myself and had more confidence. Oh yeah, the sex IS better. I started noticing that before I'd even lost 50lbs and it just gets gooder and gooder. When I started having more energy I use to waylay Adam all the time and jump on him. Of course, he had/has no complaints. Someone told me before I got married that sex stopped after marriage, well they've never been married to the perv I'm married too. Also being able to shop on the skinny side of Walmart was a big deal for me.
Ok I hear ya about the rollercoaster ride I was almost too big for em last summer and it was embarassing to be sucking in and the operator going um ma'm you need to suck in or get off.
Then fitting in a booth without having to suck it in at a nice restaurant. Heck even Frisch's.
Better acceptance at my son's school as a person not the fat mommy as I have heard say. Not just by the kids. Also acceptance into the PTS better as well.
Soon to be able to get clothes that I like not what just fits. I can actually have style now. I mean I did have some but most plesantly plump ladies clothes were not very young if anyone gets what I mean.
No more little kids pointing and saying look mommy the fat lady is gonna eat the whole salad bar. (yes it has happened)
Being able to run and play with my son and keep up better. Heck with my son's whole class. That felt good lemme tell ya.
Ok Ryan....mine are posted on my Profile but here are a few:
I want to do a cartwheel in the front yard
I want to flip on the trampoline or diving board
I want to go to the Florence waterpark and run into someone I know without feeling like I am going to die
I want to ride the swinging ride at KI without being afraid the rope will break
I want to have a jawline
I want to NOT be afraid or horrified if my husband actually sees me naked
I want to stand in a full length mirror without looking only at my feet
I want to wear a sleeveless top
I'd like to be able to run....anywhere for any distance without having a fat attack...y'all know what I mean.
There ya go!
I am having a Lap Band on Dec 13. Do you know what I want to accomplish along with the health goals and more energy? I want to look into the mirror and see the real me - the one I can barely remember. Today when I look into the mirror, I can only see a faint reminder of myself. I know I am in there, but it looks like I've been swallowed by a fat girl! I want ME back!!