okay Kentucky members
Preops and postops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Besides the obvious weight gone and health goals, What else are you hoping to achieve through WLS.
Airplane seats become easier to sit in.
Better acceptance in mainstream public.
AVoid being the butt of Fat jokes.
Tie your shoes in the middle and not on the side.
Cross your legs.
I hear sex is better. Don't know on this no partner yet.
Run a race.
Better standing at work. Maybe a new position.
OKay what else is out there??????????
Buying clothes in a normal store... I was tickled sh*tless when I found out I didnt have to go to Torrid or Lane Bryant to get cute clothes. Kinda funny huh. I like being able to look in just about any store for clothes and saying hey! this will fit me... its very exciting. As far as the health goals... after 3 months I no longer had the health issues... after that its been smooth sailing!
Damn how could I forget that goal.... I can't wait for that to happen too. No more Jcpenneys big and tall or casual male or Kingsize.
No more industrial strength toilet seats. No more having to use the handicap stalls to avoid the clastorphobia. No getting something to eat and order a diet to drink and they make fun of you.
my biggest goal is to have continued success. Failure is so devastating. I would like to ride a horse. I have never done that. But the success I experience daily is being an
active mom and wife. Something I never was until this year. My biggest dream would be that my husband would get healthy and lose weight. He is diabetic, I love him soooo much, and it scares me to death to watch him sweat just putting up the tree. WLS is nothing he would consider. I just hope My WL will inspire him to do something. I also have a little girl who is over wt. I hope that my wl will help her to make better decisions. I think the key to this whole puzzle is exercise. Hopefully we are joining the Y after the first of the year as a family.
There you go Jane. Thats what I'm trying to get here. The Y is a great idea, I have a membership but I don't use it to the full potential. Hey I still have like six guest passes to use. WOuld you like to go out there one day and see the place. Maybe do a workout and swim. YOu, your hubby and kids if so tell me. OR anyone else in the area here. Sarah, Amy, Mimi or michele give me a yell if your interested in trying it out. Its like six day passes.
Jane if you figure out a place to go horseback riding tell me, I would love to go. Just fear that right now I would hurt the horse.