I thought there was someone new. You the heck is Pie eater. I want the old Budda back. You don't want pie. I dumped at 1:30 this morning. OMG I woke up thinking I was having a ht attach. My heart raced and raced, then the stomach discomfort started, so I knew it was that. This was the first dump. My other episode had to be my Gall Bladder. Oh well. Hope you had a productive night. Go to bed and stay out of the pie.
I ate what I thought was sf strawberry jelly and pb. I opened a brand new jar, but I found out this morning, I opened the wrong jar. I stayed up last night and did laundry. Ate a pb and jelly on wheat. Went to bed fell right to sleep and woke up about and hour later and that happened. It felt nothing like when I thought I dumped before. So I think the last time maybe was my gb. Scared the pudding, or crap litterally out of me. The heart racing and pounding is what scared me. Then the stomach started. I had the foamies after the bowel thing. Go figure