My husbands family had their Thanksgiving Dinner today and they have not seen me since my surgery. They kept telling my how great I looked and my brother and law and my husbands nephew told my husband they were going to "take me out". Of course this was all in fun!! It did make me feel good the fact they noticed such a difference in my appearance. The Wow moment was when I found room to sit on her small couch in the middle of two people without feeling uncomfortable and having not felt crowded. It felt great to cross my legs and not feel all my air at the top of my chest and trying to find somewhere to put my arms to keep them out of the way.
Also, I am 50 years old, but most people guess that I am about 40. That feels good to hear!!!!
I hope to post some before and after pictures soon.
Wow a great moment in deed.
Keep on wowing them!
Most of my family knows of my decision about WLS but some family does not get together to often. SO I plan on shocking some family around the Christmas time next year. let see nine months or so after surgery, I think there might be some significant loss there. Won't my family be shocked