man walmart!!!!!
i tell ya i got up at 4 am and went shopping lol,my daughter wanted a i dog for 10$ from walmart,plus i needed a mixer.....well lets just say this black friday is getting more and more dangerous, i went to reach for me a 4$ mixer,well this guy 6 ft or so tall reached right over my head and bam right in my head with elbow,so i go on and look for the i dog,well this store only got 10 of them,so i got almost knocked out for 4$ how many others had an exciting black friday????????
Hey Vickie, we didn't do this morning. We went this afternoon to the Bardstown Walmart. I got my Santa shopping done for Allison and almost for James. They had alot more stuff up there and it wasn't crowded at all like the Etown Walmart usually is. I think we're going to start shopping up there alot. Its a 25 mile drive from here to there but they're kind of cheaper on some stuff. The Etown Walmart sucks, they've been remodeling & its crappy. Good luck on your upcoming surgery!
i will never do it again!!!!!!!! The lady in electronics told us Thursday that the 52 inch tv's would be on sale for 474 next morning at five. (We had gone to buy a plasma tv on Thursday). So we got up at 33;30 in the morning and went to the Danville Walmart. Turned out they were giving out tickets for the big tv. They only had five of them. Then they said the drawing would be at six instead of five. needless to say we didn't get onee but later that day ended up buying two plasma's 42' each at the harrodsburg walmart. That was such a rip off and the crowds were wild. They had giveen about eight hundred tickets out for five tv's. it almost has turned me against walmart.
I had an exciting black friday! I had a hernia removed, or pushed back or sewed up or whatever it is they do to it! I am home now and am having no more belly button pain, thank GOD. Just general soreness where they done the surgery. My shoulders also hurt like a SOB. I guess where they were pulling me around on the table maybe? At any rate I would have rather been shopping!
They did not even do the CT scan..he was pressing around on me and said he could feel it..sooooo, in they went! Doc Greenlee did it. I really liked him. Other than that everything went fine. I am sore as all get out. And my shoulders hurt...not really sure why. Maybe where they had to move me around on the table or something? My shoulders hurt worse than anything else!