Is this right???
Hey all, I'm getting really close to surgery. My labs and such are week after next and then they will schedule it. My insurance is really easy they say. I'm getting scared and having major second thoughts. I just started my pre op diet of low carbs and can't even stick to that. Maybe this isn't right for me. Maybe I'm not disciplined enough for this. What does this mean. Am I another kind of loser...I'd rather be the other kind. Please help.
Trust me when I say this but it's your nerves. I was scared to death before mine and had second thoughts and such. I was terrified about my diet but once I had my surgery and started my diet I didn't do bad and haven't done bad. You learn real quick what you can and can't eat. I didn't think I would be disciplined enough and I have done just fine. I am 6 weeks out and have lost 39lbs so I am doing something right. I don't know if this will help you but you are not alone. We all have pre op jitters. I was told by one of my nurses that if I wasn't worried and scared she would be worried about me. If you need to talk feel free to email me here I try to check it frequently.
Its your nerves, don't worry about it. This has been one of the best decisions I have ever made for myself. I started this journey at 324 and now after a tummy tuck also, I weigh 157-160 and even though that ain't skinny I'm happy. I was over weight all my life so this was like a dream come true for me. I do it all over again in a heart beat. If u need to chat or talk just email me or IM me.
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P.S. anyone is welcome to email me or add me to your yahoo messenger. I'm here for u all.
CALM DOWN!!!! The pre-op diet is the worst! If we could diet we wouldn't be having the surgery. Stick to it as well as you can. I only had to do it for a week & that was hard. After surgery your body can't hold as much food period & you'll learn your own bodys limit. In my case I don't think about food like I did. I use think about my next meal while I was eating the 1 in front of me! I think Dr. Wiess played tapes while I was under! I eat protein 1st now, then veggies & end with a few carbs if at all. The surgery was the best thing I did in my life. I've lost 90 lbs. so far & my diabetes is way down. Have faith in yourself. You'll be losing before you know it!!