hey people

Mr Buddha
on 11/21/06 4:41 pm - florence, KY
HI gang I was doing some pondering a while besides the nap I took on break. About what you might ask.. Well I got to thinking about how much alike we are and yet until we started talking/chatting/meeting we didn't know it. so Bear with me this is kind long. Its the small things we do and don't notice or maybe think that it is just you, that noone knows how it is or what your going through. Like while talking with others during hte wait on Mimi's surgery, I overheard a couple of the postops talk about clothes fitting. That turned into talking about sitting down and crossing their legs. That before they would have to maybe grab the ankle of their pants to cross their legs.(guilty) Or that when they crossed their legs it was either with a lean of the body or it just wasn't comfortable. (guilty again) That was something I noticed, another thing is what about the mental damage some of us are sporting. I have read and participated in a thread about lexapro. That means that at least some of us have admitted or been diagnosed with Depression/ General Anxiety Disorder. Guilty again. I'm not saying all of are depressed but it is very likely. Either ask your doc or at least check Webmd for the symptoms ofdepression and see if anything jumps out at you. I have made a bunch of friends on here and don't want to see any of you suffering. One of causes of my depression is probably Low testerone. After a Webmd session I asked my endocrine doc my last visit. I explained what I felt was going on and she decided to put me on Lexapro and test me for Low T. I failed that test twice. So now I am taking some Testerone replacement. AM I ashamed? Nope because I feel that this is going to help me and if I ever get insurance to approve my damn surgery, I will be even better off. So for the guys out there if you have diabetes you might want to discuss this with your doc. I am glad that I finally said something as I think I have been suffering a lot longer than I should have. So swallow the pride. Uh ladies if your sporting a moustache you might want to talk to your doc. but you too can you all the help that is out there so don't be afraid to ask! We have a great group of people here on the Kentucky board and I for one am very grateful. There are a couple of you who have helped me more than you. So thanks and take care of yourselves.
Sarah B.
on 11/21/06 4:52 pm - Cincinnati, OH
Ryan, You are such a great guy.... I know we all connected in the waiting room during Mimi's surgery... it is the little things totally. For me... buttoning my pants and zipping them without jumping up and down or laying on the bed. I believe it was jane that mentioned tying shoes and the laces being straight and not on the side of your shoes... these are things that alot of people dont even think about... another thing for me is that when I get outta the shower the towel fits and I dont have to use a beach towel anymore. Just for reference, you have seen me in person.... please let me know if you see a mustache lol I would promptly shave it. This group blood related or not is my family and I love all of ya to pieces! Sarah
on 11/21/06 5:52 pm - eddyville, KY
Seems I am not the only one on here that works the graveyard shift. I work swing shift and nights sometimes suck. I told you that communication is not one of my better skills. But, after the warm warm welcome I thought I should get on here and say thank you again!!! When you talk about depression I really am not sure what to think, after my heart attack the dr. and nurses said that I would go through it but to tell the truth I was just happy to be alive. The symptoms seem to be there now but you know we as men aren't supposed to talk about these things. That's where the problem lies alot of times. We have been trained so long that we are not good men if we have to lean on someone or something. Who knows the symptoms ,I had before the heart attack should have served as warning!:nono: Again the superman syndrome kicked in. Kybuddha thanks for stepping up to the plate. Before I stop I just want to say it's kinda of funny the things I've read on here and it's like deja vu that's just what I was thinking or I went through that one scenario or another. The shoe tying kills me thanks :haha: thanks again everyone ,donnie
Mr Buddha
on 11/21/06 6:28 pm - florence, KY
Don I heard the sex gets better; but as I am unattached I wouldn't know. Well there is that little fact that I am still pre-op. PM me if you want to ask any other questions you might feel unsuperman like for asking. I got a couple for you when you want to hear them.
(deactivated member)
on 11/21/06 9:44 pm - Elizabethtown, KY
U r so right. Before surgery I was on Zoloft for depression. Before surgery, and this will sound terrible but I have a point, before surgery I wanted to have high blood pressure, sleep apnea, and diabetes so I could get approved for surgery. I knew they wouldn't approve me with out 3 co morbs. I even sat down and wrote out a 200 page daily diet history (I didn't really do the daily diet thing but the night before my consult I sat down all night and wrote this out. In the end it helped approve me.) I had my medical records from my pcp from the date I discussed wls with her and and we discussed diet and exercise. So I dated my diet history on that date and wrote out from April 8, 2004 thru Oct 4, 2004. It was 196 pages all together. The lady that put my file together at Dr Shinas wasn't happy but it helped me and anything that will help u get approved is worth doing. I got online and found awhole lot of different foods and the cal and fat grams for each one and just went nuts writing it all out. Took me all night and I was exhausted the day of my consult which is why if someone were to do this to help themselves get approved, I don't recommend waiting till the last freaking min to do it. But about the depression. I was so unhappy with myself. I was self conscious, jealous, sad, depressed. It was all because I wasn't happy with myself. I can't explain what its been like after being fat all my life to finally being able to lose weight, to setting a goal for myself and getting there. Its just amazing. Wait until u go somewhere after u lose your weight and people don't know u, that rocks. I can see that I have lost weight but I also still see me bigger than everyone else does. I do still think I've got a big booty but Adam likes it so its ok. I hope and pray u get your approval soon after the first of the year and if theres anything I can do to help ya just holler at me. I can't wait to come up and meet all u crazy people. Adam and I were just talking about how great that would be. Take care and Happy Thanksgiving! Ange "ya'lls nutty sister in the south!" lol
on 11/22/06 6:15 am - Alexandria, KY
Ok here goes who knows if my response will be long or not lol. Alright I admit I was one talking about clothes and crossing legs and such. As for my clothes right before surgery I was barely able to fit into any of my clothes without laying down and sucking in just to get zipped. It was awful. And shopping for clothes was somthing entirely different as well. Either they were too big in some area or just didnt fit at all or to me seemed too old for me. It feels good now to realise that things are getting bigger and knowing that soon I will be geting new clothes. As for the crossing of the legs yes I admit I was a leaner. I had to lean just to cross my legs or I had to pull my leg up and hold it to keep it there. It was horriable to go to my sons school and feel so unladylike cause I could hardly even cross my ankles. Now that I can do all that it is like some of the weight on my shoulders has been lifted and I feel more welcome into the PTS society. I am so not a normal PTS mom either those that know me now should know what I mean lol. Yes I admit I have suffered from depression for many a year. More so since I have been overweight. Most of mine stems from growing up and the trials I endured there. After Ihad my son and had become officially overweight I got a little more down because I noticed I was starting to be treated differently by people. Yes I had someone flat out tell me right after my son was born "MY god you are fat you need to stop eating." Lemme tell ya that was awful I hid and cried. I worked at overcoming my depression both with counseling and lexapro. Whle the counsleing didn't work out the guy told me I was crazy and fat. Yeah he really said that. I still kept up with the lexapro until it started making me feel all drugged out of my head. I stopped that real quick but I did start to come to terms with my depression on my own. I realised that my body is the way it is now because I had a wonderful child and I neede to deal with it if people dont like me for me then I dont want anything to do with them. I did pretty good after that. MY heck with it attitude seemed to work and things seemed to get better for me. Like Ryan said don't be afraid to admit that there is something wrong. We are all a little off in some way lol. Be proud of who you are not matter what others tell you. Also the people here have helped me so much since they understand what I have been thru and am currently going thru. It's nice to have such a wonderful supportive group of people. Thank you all you are all wonderful.
Mr Buddha
on 11/22/06 6:24 am - florence, KY
great replies ladies. Thanks for expressing. lets see some more responses
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