OT:Crappy Night

Jane C.
on 11/21/06 11:49 am - Florence, KY
Ok just a little venting. Our dad is in terrible health. On dialysis, terrible heart but has more lives than a cat. He has been sick with a terrible cough which is getting worse. Real short of breath, won't go to the doctor. But he does his dialysis 3 days a week. Anyway he was checked out today at dialysis and we were told that this cough and shortness of breath is from his heart condition. Our brother and his family where coming home from Atlanta and they are broke down. Dad won't call his cardiologist, because that would mean going to the hospital. So what do you do? He is totally of sound mind and able to make his own decision. So do you just sit back and wonder is this our last holiday? It just a bad time of year for all of us and now this. Oh well, just thought I would share with our new extended family. Just say a few prayers for everyone, that we all have a happy and thankful, Thanksgiving day. Jane
(deactivated member)
on 11/21/06 11:53 am - Elizabethtown, KY
Ah Jane, I don't know what to tell ya except I'll say a prayer for him and all of u. I know my papaw was the same way. Stubborn, hardheaded, couldn't tell him a thing. His last Christmas was so hard. He'd been in a rehab after a stroke and they brought him home for Christmas dinner with the family. We all knew unless a miracle occurred and I firmly believe God can do anything, that it would be his last with us. It was terrible. They had made a tape of him singing Life's Railway to Heaven and all 7 kids got a copy. Man, it was hard. I know this isn't cheering u up though is it? Sorry. I will say a prayer for u all. Love and Hugs Ange
Jane C.
on 11/21/06 12:00 pm - Florence, KY
Hey Thanks Ange, You know tonight of all nights the sisters will all be in bed. We lost our mom 3 years ago to Alzheimer's. That was a terrible time for us. Terrible death. She started with the disease when she was 59 and she lasted 10years. The disease actually caused her death. She was so young and the last year was terrible. So the holidays are hard anyway. But thanks. I'm going to stay up and do some laundry. Can't sleep. Jane
Amy P.
on 11/21/06 12:10 pm - Florence, KY
Jane, I'm not asleep yet...should be but cant...I just can't stop thinking about the holiday's, Dad, Mike, and everything that has been going on...I really hope Mike makes it in...I think it is important that he does...For all of us...Im up if you want to talk... Love you Amy
Jane C.
on 11/21/06 12:15 pm - Florence, KY
You go to bed. You have to get up way too early.
Amy P.
on 11/21/06 12:17 pm - Florence, KY
No Not really...I don't have to be there till 10:30....so the offer still stands...Don't be stubborn like dad...Have you talked to him any more...tonight? Or to Mike. Amy
(deactivated member)
on 11/21/06 12:11 pm - Elizabethtown, KY
That is a terrible diease. My mamaw had Parkinsons. Not exactly the same. One day when I was 12 they called after Bible School and told us that she'd fallen down, broken her hip and had 3 strokes. All that along with the Parkinsons pretty much made her a vegtable. I was 12 and I started staying with my aunt to help with mamaw. We bathed her, changed her diapers, fed her, and when she wouldn't eat they had a G Tube put in and we fed her every 4 hours. She lived 5 1/2 yrs after she fell. I can count the times that she knew who I was after that on one hand. It was never easy but I wouldn't trade a min of it. I do it all again. People would say to me, u r a kid, why are u doing this? Why not go out with friends and have a good time? Well mom and dad had 3 boys at home younger than me and it was hard for them to help my aunt so I did. Mamaw took care of me when I was a baby so it was my turn to help her. My aunt and I grew very close. She's like a 2nd mom too me. I don't know what its like from a child's perspective to have a parent like that but from a granddaughters perspective I can tell ya unless u have been there 24/7 taking care of someone u have no idea what its like. I don't know exactly what u r going thru but I do know that stuff like this is never easy and its always good to have someone to talk to or u will go nuts. My aunt and I had alot of laughs. We still do. She always says its easier to laugh than cry. We're nuts anyway. We were in a tough situation, her and my uncle more than me cause I had school and had to go home some, but we always found something to laugh about. I've probably depressed u more. I just wanted u to know if u needed someone to talk to since everyone's asleep or at work I'm here. Hugs Ange
Mr Buddha
on 11/21/06 12:20 pm - florence, KY
How far did your brother and family make it Jane. I get off work around seven. And could pick them up and bring them the rest of the way while their vehicle is being fixed.
(deactivated member)
on 11/21/06 12:22 pm - Elizabethtown, KY
Ryan, u r such a sweetheart for that. I'm not Jane, but I just wanted to say that was very sweet and nice of u to offer.
Jane C.
on 11/21/06 12:40 pm - Florence, KY
Well they only got about an hour away. Tow truck actually took them back to there house. But you are so sweet. I am sure they will make it in. My husband said the same thing. "Road Trip". They were planning on being here tonight around 3am. They will make it tomorrow. Just a crappy night. And I really mean it. You are sooo sweet and so sincere. Jane
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