Mimi is HOME!!!
She came home today. She is doing really great. A little sore. Doing her walking but I can already tell she is a BIG LOSER. She has a 13mth little girls who is chicken to walk and all she wants to do is hold your finger and walk around the house. Needless to say Mimi is doing a lot of walking. She will post later I'm sure.
Thanks Jane! I am home. I'm feeling ok. Just a bit sore. I have aches and pains that I am not sure where they are coming from....sore from laying in bed? Sore from surgery? Sore from gas pain? I'm sure it will work itself out. Otherwise, I'm in good shape. Thank you to Michelle and Ryan for stopping by and seeing me all doped up. Thank you Sarah for getting me a basin to puke in. Thank you Amy for hanging out and watching me sleep. Thank Jane for EVERYTHING!! She stayed at the hospital with me from 6:30 AM until 8 PM. I finally made her leave.
Thank you for all your well wishes. Y'all are a good bunch!