OT:Gamecube? PS2? Gameboy Advance games?
When it comes to video games I am illiterate but my 13 yr old stepson can tell u all about them. My question today is, he wants a WWE vs Smackdown 2007 video game. He would like it for his gamecube. He also has a PS2 at his moms. I know they make this game for PS2 but does anyone know if they make it for Gamecube? Also, what are some good games that a 13 yr old would enjoy? He loves the need for speed games and he's getting the 3rd one of those for Christmas. He likes wrestling, racing, something called drifting, (I believe that has to do with racing as well). I need ideas, help!
Hugs & thanks!
Ange most 13 year old boys will like any game you get them as long as it involves the three R's Racing, restling and red blood. the drifting you refer to is a type of car racing game.
Ange I was looking on walmart's site and didn't see any wrestling games for gamecube. Not sure if that means there is none made or they just don't stock it there. WHat about the skatboarding games is he into playing those? I saw a bunch of those listed on wallyworld's site.