Mimi V. Did Great!!!
Hey you 2 knock it off. This is Mimi's thread, is that the right term? I left her at 8pm. She was snoozing good. She took a little pain medication for the gas pain in her back and she was knocked out within mins. She did great. So proud of the whole bunch. Now the stress is done as far as family goes. It was so nice meeting Ryan and Michelle, they just seem like I have known y'all for years. Thanks again everyone for the prayers. If they didn't mention Jennifer also did great. I met her today as well.
lol not sure how kinky tourniquets can be... not sure if i would even be willing to find that out. And yes Jane you had the right terminology... it is Mimi's thread!
Also I just went to see her and we talked for a little while... then she got nauseated and they gave her something for that and then something for the pain, so I will leave her alone for the night and let her get some rest. She does look great though.
Also Jane and mom if you read this ... you have mail