Mimi V. Did Great!!!
Just wanted to let everyone know that mimi did awesome! after surgery she was talking to us and looks amazing. She had a whole group of friends/OH family there supporting her. Her hubby Chris was there as well as me, Jane, Amy P (mom), Ryan and Michelle We had a whole cheering section going. She really looks great... I am so thrilled she did so well. Once again Dr. Tom thanks for changing the lives of our entire family, You are truely the best at what you do.
Hey! Tell Mimi I am thinking of her and wish I could have been there. I'm happy she is doing so well!! But, tell her not to get in too big of a hurry! We're supposed to do this thing together!!! LOL Heck, I may never catch up to her, as fast as she is progressing right now. ha ha (Then again, I guess she does need to get a move on because she might have to get her whip out after me later on....LOL)
I got a call today that my Dec. 9th surgery has been cancelled. (Dr. Rodriquez just couldn't stand one more moment with his bad hip. He took emergency leave.) But, Shelly is trying to have my surgery moved UP! YEA!! My new surgeon is Dr. Allen. If not, she said it will definitely be sometime THIS year! I surely hope so! I'm really getting tired of this. (Like George Jetson says -- Jane, stop this crazy thing!! LOL) It's a good thing I don't get MAD very easily. I guess it's because I have worked for many doctors at one time and know how things can happen. Lord knows, it's not because I'm a patient person. Well, I guess I am to a point. But, I have come to that point many times since February. LOL Just another uphill climb on this damn roller coaster I'm on..... ha ha Can't wait for the thrill of that downhill rush!!!
Hugs to you all! And, thanks for keeping us posted until Mimi gets back. Which will probably be tomorrow when she gets home... ha ha I'm surprised she's not at the nurses station right now trying to talk them into letting her use their computer to post here..... ha ha