UHoh! That doesn't sound good Mimi. Hey did you get yourself ready finally? What about those corndogs??? blechh good luck in the morning you got me in spirit. will try to visit late in the afternoon.
Biting the tongue really works till you start tasting Blood....Is Blood allowed at this point in my diet?.....I can't find a reference to it in my book...can anyone help me here?
I noticed that ...once....and I chuckled to myself....I was sitting right next to her...and heard comments that were really making me mad....But I didn't say anything...and I think I was able to control my rolling eyes
well it is a liquid nad there might even be some protein in it. so as long as its yours go for it.
Sarah how is his ears doing. Is the medicine helping yet? he probably needs a lot of this and a pet snake too.
His ears are bothering him and he's layed on the couch or in my bed most of the day. If he ends up with a pet snake then imma make a special trip and figure out where you live and leave it in your bed!!!!!