Normal?? could it be true???
remember the old abc movie of the week on sunday nights. They used to play one about a black mambe that got loose and hunted a family down in their house. that was disturbing. Mimi I will have to tell you about what my exwife did when we went and see the first anaconda movie. as they turned the lights down she leaned over and said something to her son... he proceeds to pull his legs up and get all nervous. I asked her what she said. she told him that she heard that when the lights go out they let a snake loose in the theater. I had to go to the bathroom I was laughing so hard. I was actually jealous she thought of it before me.
Normal? Are any of us normal? lol, I know I'm not. As for the girls? Well my girls have not been a part of my upper body in ages, they hang way down low and look like prunes also. I saw a water bra at Walmart for $7 the other day and I thought about buying it but didn't know. I mean, heck, for $7 I could see how it done. I was a 44D after Allison was born and now I'm a 34 B, lol. Adam calls them pancakes. So for that he's buying me some more boobs next year!