Adams surgery is Dec 14!!!
Adam is having a discography and disc decompression done on Dec 14. They're an
outpatient procedure. It takes 1-2 hours for the procedure and its supposed to
fix the bulging disc in his lower back. He will be going back to work 2 weeks
after (YES!!!) That part makes me happy, course, him being pain free makes me
happier. He misses work so he's ready to go back. The orthopaedic surgeon says
this procedure is what alot of people have done when they've had numerous
failed open back surgerys or their MD's or neurosurgeons have told them that
they "have to live with the pain" His name is Norman Lewis and he is the only
surgeon in Ky that does this. He just started doing them this year. The pain
control specialist is Dr Elmer Dunbar. So far he seems nice. The epidural shots
he gave Adam didn't work, but it was a hit or miss chance anyway. Theres a
chance these surgeries won't work, but I'm thinking positive. They will work!!!
Anyways, I'm happy and thankful that our attorney got Adam in with Dr Lewis so
fast and he's having the actual procedures alot faster than they normally would
do it so I'm thankful for that also. I've got to say Hughes and Coleman seems
pretty good and nice so far. Adam is not seeing a chiro and unless he just
wants to after the procedures he's not going back to Eriksen Chiropractic. When
we told Dr Eriksen about the ortho and these procedures he went off. He cussed
Adam left and right and pretty much laughed in his face about Adam even
considering doing this. To me he seems greedy and opinated. I don't like him
but Allison, Pop ( my father in law) and I just have a few more weeks of chiro
care before we get released. I hate to change cause he's a rear end. The other
guy is real sweet and understanding. Adam has a bulged herniated disc, actually
3 of them in his lower back and Dr Eriksen knows this. Before we found out
about the ortho Dr Eriksen tried to manipulate Adams lower back and it hurt him
bad. If Adam wants to continue to see a chiro after he's better just for
regular adjustments thats fine, he just needs another one in Etown. Dr Eriksen
is one of the rudest men I've ever met. Oh well. Enough about that. Adam is
having the procedures in a few weeks and hopefully they'll fix him and he won't
be in pain any longer.
Thanks for your prayers and support.
Adam and Ange
Hi so sorry that you and adam are having this to deal with all this before the holidays. This seems to be consuming alot from you both,i can tell ya that you are a strong willed person,im a big baby lol,my hubby keeps me civil around here,i go back wed to get a surgery date,i am just so said because i didnt want to be down around christmas again,but as my hubby says ........i need to be pain take care and keep all of us updated.......and its Never to early to decorate for CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!....................hugs vickie
doc says he thinks i have an internal hernia,or adhesions again,but i go wed to get the date.........i just wanna be fixed and out of pain. I really have no answers on whats wrong with me but this is just what the think is wrong,like my doc said this is experimental medicine........................thanks angela
Oh u poor thing, u have been thru the ringer. I sure hope they get u figured out and fixed. Keep us posted on how it goes. Adam says we're moving the computer to the living room while he's off that way he can't gripe about me spending time checking my emails, being on here, etc. When he's awake he thinks I have to be in there all the time and I'm not the sort of person that stays online 24/7 anyway. I do love coming on here and visiting with everyone, thats all I do besides checking my emails. Oh well. He hopefully goes back to work the first of Jan.
Angela you and Adam hang in there. There is nothing worse than an arrogant, rude doctor to make us feel belittled, I hate when people talk down to me. I am sure it will work out. I swear back pain gets on your last nerve. There is just no relief and after a while I swear pain medication for me just made me nastier. Life revolved around my next pill. Its no way to have to survive. I had 3 bulging disk I believe it was L3 L4, L5, S1. Its been like 5 years ago. I was noting like Adam. I was on medical leave for 4 mths. We survived that pay cut and then when it was time to go back I gave up my job of 23years and decided to be a stay at home mom for my twins that were 4. Best decision I ever made, and so very lucky to have a wonderful husband. Oh well just wanted you to know I was praying for you and when things are sad, go look at your Christmas tree. HA HA HA.
I bought some decorations yesterday, but I will be waiting until probably next weekend.
Take Care
Thanks Melissa. We're both feeling pretty positive about this so I hope it works. He misses work and is ready to go back, lol.
Love u guys!
I invited Sam, Sean and the younguns to the kids bday party this afternoon but I haven't heard anything from them. I hope they come, its been ages since I saw them all.