I guess its a no go.. mimi cant come, jane cant come, mom is still on pureed and i dont know about michelle yet. Ok everyone come up with another day we can do this and let me know. unless anyone wants to go midnight bowling or something haha
Just got home from kiddo's school ugh. I hate those kind of visits lol. Anyway I have some friends wanting to meetup and go to Southern Lanes for a little bowling and maybe a live country band. Heck I unno depends on if I get a sitter. I'll let ya know.
Glad you made it home ok and didn't get lost. hehe We most definatly have to do it again. We should start a once a month thing where we all get together.
lol girl who said I didnt get lost on the way home??? I got on the wrong ramp and ended up having to turn around and go the opposite direction. I can get lost in a square box im tellin ya!
sorry i missed this ladies.
i crashed around 4-5 pm and just woke up. darn it missed two of my freezing hotties club.
hey maybe we could make up a club card or something...
Thats fair. The topic of the post is MIMI'S LAST SUPPER. You all went out without the guest star MIMI!!
Shee****hat's ok...I went to a concert and have a BLAST!
we had a great time and you missed it! How about planning another get together?? I know i will see michelle on monday morning....and then the tuesday a week after that (28th)..... get planning people and let me know!