hello from somerset ky.
hi you know i have been wondering if the holiday will be hard but i dont think it will be a problem so far i really have no desire to eat very much wit hall the support im getting im sure ill get through it, how much weight have you lost in the 13 months? im hoping ot continue to lose right now im in a wheel chair due to a knee replacment that went very bad for the last 2 years so i hope to lose at least 100 pds in about 6 months then im gonna have my leg fixed again and then i Pray ill be able to walk so i just wanted ot say thank you for your support and welcome hope to hear from you soon joann
Welcome to the Looney Bin Joann!! LOL We all get a bit looney here from time to time... ha ha You will definitely have fun on this board!
Congratulations on your BIG weight loss. That is great!
Another thing that is great is all of the support you will get right here on this board. If you need anything or have a question, don't hesitate to post a message, to any of us. We are all here to help each other get through our weight loss journey. I'm sure you will make a lot of new friends here!
[email protected]
hi, im so glad you and dee are doing great i talked to her as little while ago i am so thankful to have meet the both of you i could never tell you both how grateful i am to have two wonderful and understanding friends cant wait till we meet again you guys be careful and call me when you all can talk to you all soon joann
i cant wait to lose 90lbs i wanted ot thank you for the reply and to tell you i live in science hill we livee behind the mt zion store we have only been heree about 6 years, every one that i have talked to are so supportive it really helps to know that there is people i can turn to with questions so i look forwardto chating more
You'll be at 90 before you know it! This message board is super because we really care & want to help. We've all been fat & know all the pain that goes with it. After surgery is your 2nd chance & I know you'll make the most of it. You'll have 1000 WOW moments. My 1st was my watch band, had to be a mens cause my writs were so big, started to slide around. Now it spins around!! Also I can wear my wedding rings the 1st time in 2 years. Email me whenever. I think my neice lives close to you.........Mandy & Doug Waldthrip.
WOWZA Joann! I am so happy about your weight loss. I just met my surgeon for the first time here in Louisville, Dr. Lusco, on Monday, so I am just tapping my fingers waiting for them to give me my surgery date. I still have to meet with the dietician and psych, but I am so excited that I finally got the ball rolling. Reading these boards helps keep my chins up (smile), so welcome and congrats again!!!