Hello KY people

on 11/12/06 8:17 pm - ALEXANDRIA, KY
really.. 1979.. ummmm small world.. now wondering thier names .. did the best friends wife go to the 25th reunion.. I did and again I say... NEVER AGAIN..I hate class reunions..
Jane C.
on 11/12/06 8:25 pm - Florence, KY
Ok now I am wondering. I graduated in 1978. So that puts us the same age. My madden name was Mcclure. I am doing great with my surgery. No problems. Only 13mths out. Worried about regaining of course. My whole fam damly has had this done since I jumper a year ago. They are all on this Board. The youngest is Mimi she has her surgery a week from Today. It has been wonderful having the whole family do this. Jane
on 11/12/06 8:46 pm - ALEXANDRIA, KY
ummmm... Jane Mcclure..I can't remember.. but then being obese I tended to only have a few close friends and just went to class then home... also I was really involved in the youth program at Florence First Church of Christ back then.. my maiden name and name now is Hollon.. my sister is Rita who graduated 1976 and then myself Rhonda 1979.. ..but I'm sure I can find you in a year book That's awesome that the family is WLS.. it really gives those close by the understanding better. I know my sister was ALWAYS a stick ~or stick with curves~ but in past later years has really packed on some weight. She could really use the surgery herself.. I don't know if she's thinking about it our not.. I don't ask. If she were to ask me I would fill her in on anything but as we know it's all about personal choices.. and she had gone with me in the beginning to a seminar when I was first looking into it. My mom is a little overweight but not drastic and my dad is of normal weight. sooooo do I look or does the name ring a bell
Mr Buddha
on 11/12/06 9:40 pm - florence, KY
Rhonda you and your sister might know my family. My sisters and brother went to Boone... Vicki in 73, Bev in 76, and Marty in 78. The last name is Weghorn. My best friend's wife name is Deana. I think her last name was Floyd, but not sure. She got out in 79. Mimi do you know Mark Perkins or John Rucker? They went to Boone in the mid 80's.
on 11/13/06 3:16 am - Alexandria, KY
I am reading and feeling like a baby on here lol. Not to make anyone feel old or anything cause we are only as old as we feel but yeah I feel like a baby lol .
on 11/13/06 11:10 am - Florence, KY
Ok...I'll bite How old are you?? Is that rude to ask that question? If you aren't offended, then you are not old. If you are thinking....HOW RUDE!! You are not a baby!
on 11/14/06 3:24 am - Alexandria, KY
Mimi you have mail lol. Lets just say I graduated high school in 98. lol I was a Chorus geek in high school good thing was my director loved me so much when he didn't feel like working on sections I got pulled out of class to do it. lol Fun fun
on 11/13/06 11:08 am - Florence, KY
No, I don't know them. I used to have a memory like an elephant. Now, just a body like one. I crack myself up. Rucker sounds familiar but not sure. I'm not even going to mention what I did in high school. You were in the band, yes?
Mr Buddha
on 11/13/06 12:08 pm - florence, KY
Nope not I. By brother and sisters were though. Did you know any Stiens? Mimi were you a band geek. ...... and one time at Band camp.
on 11/14/06 5:50 am - Florence, KY
Lol I was definately NOT a band geek. I can't carry a tune. Amy was a band geek and Jane was a chorus geek. Lol I was a cheerleader geek. I don't remember any Steins either. Hmmmm I swear, I wasn't a stuck up cheerleader either. I was nice
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