Yea, I know what you mean about support, Sarah! I think they are just scared that we will become hot milf momma's and kick their butts to the curb! LOL But, no chance of that for me. I still love them! I've been through worse WITH them so I can survive this without them. Know what I mean? ha ha I just want them to try and lay a hand on me when I get so gorgeous... ha ha I'm going to slap it and say -- don't touch the merchandise baby!! ha ha (I guess everyone has figured out "them" means "husband".)
Hope you are having a good day! It looks nice and sunny outside, but you step out on the porch and freeze your buns off here. ha ha The breeze just about blew my gown up over my head. ha ha What a sight for the neighbors that would be..... LOL It's just a good thing our outside dogs were jumping up on me to put it back down. I had my hands full at the time. I'll never go out like that again any time soon!! LOL Just another one of those times when no one will help and I have to carry it all out by myself! Jeez, when is it ever going to end? I'm just glad the back door wasn't locked, because it blew shut. I can see me now in the wind, in my gown, being followed by a couple of hyper dogs, and going around the house knocking on windows for someone to let me in!! LOL