Good Idea. I haven't done that. Honestly, I don't really care. I haven't been eating like it is my last meal. I do want to get some things in one last time that I don't really ever want to eat again. The only thing there is Cherry Cordial Ice-cream. That is the ONLY true thing that I will miss. I can live without it. I will have a last bite of that.
I also want to have some steak. I know that I can eat steak again but it will be a long time before I will get to put that in my tum tum. Steak is my favorite. As a kid, I ate steak with the grow-ups. None of that hamburger stuff for me. ;)
Hey when the fat guy (me) goes out with the freezing hotties/milfs we could go to papa dinos..... I would love to be able to bring you a papa dino's hoagie because then I could have one too. Not to mention the night off. MAybe next saturday...........
Oh yes Mimi, definately going to have steak. but I do that anyway. BTW I wasn't talking about binging to the point of gaining, just want to get certain favorites down one last time. The way I will have to remember them. I'm having enough issues fighting weight gain from diabetes and depression/GAD to have to worry about gorging myself.
Can I hold ya to that Ryan??? I havent had a hoagie in forever... well I guess its been a month or so and I didnt eat the bread... and I could only eat about half of a small steak... Still sounds wonderful to me.... and just so yanno... its colder than a well diggers..............you can fill in the blanks there lol. I am sure there are lots of freezing hotties/milfs out there lol.
would that be colder than a well diggers sharpei butt. or something like that. almost wore the shorts in tonight. can't wait to get home and take an AMbien so that I can put this day behind me. bored and starting to get a bit tired. If ya want a hoagie call next saturday to remind me.
Have you ever had camino real yet. It's in florence on 42 in the old frisch's building. use ot be in the ramada but he finally moved out of there. he has got some good mexican grub.
lol I am gonna hold ya to it now lol if I remember.
I believe its a well diggers hiney in january haha. Also dont you think your "boys" would have jumped into your tonsils again if you wore shorts to work?????
I have never had camino but theres a place on mall rd..........rio grande i believe they have good stuff there also I am a big fan of margaritas.