LOL u r not the only person to ask me if I'm nuts! The kids bdays are Nov 21, Nov 22 and I always have it up before their partys. Allison is almost 5 and knows how cranky mommy gets if anyone touches the tree. I am a tree fanatic. It has to look perfect or I take it down and do it again, yes, I guess I am nuts! I love decorating. The year Allison was born I put it up the first of Oct so I wouldn't have to mess with it when she arrived.
Ok that is scary. I love to put up my tree but I get so tired of it. It looks like a reindeer crapped in my house I have so much stuff. I always do it the Sat after Thanksgiving and I take it down New Years weekend. I have actually started shopping and have a lot done. That is unusual for me. But since I sell Avon now, guess what everyone is getting.
LOL, I do usually wait till the week of Thanksgiving at least, but I was in the mood last night (to put up the tree of course) and it was cold out so I thought to myself it was good tree putting up weather. I have been window shopping getting ideas. Oh crap, gotta go. Adam just called his dad and I'm in my pj's gotta run and change!
SWEET CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey wait if you are alone at work I bet you stripped too LOL. The cheesecake factory ROCKS btw omg I am allowed to eat real food now hmmmmmm.......J/k I am proud I have been doing well lol.
WTG AMY to you too!!! Sounds like you are doing well.
And yes I had last supper syndrome lol. I tried to get my favs. in before the big day and still missed some haha. Oh well eventually I will sample them again when I get the urge. Jane is right about not caring about eating. I have to remind myself that I HAVE to eat since I have no appitite anymore. It's crazy I used to love McD's but when my son got it the other day I was like nah nothing looks good anymore. It was shocking.
One of my last things I eat will be a Papa Dinos steak hoagie. and another thing that week steak fajitas from Camino Real in Florence. That will be the only things I can think of that I would really miss. Well at least in their previous quantities. maybe come next oct or november I might try a side dish of Julio's fajita mix, he is already in mournig over my decision. He is trying to figure out how he will put the kids through school now.
Hmm what was my last few suppers????? I had Olive Garden mmmm Fettuchini Alfredo with Chicken. Also I had my old fav. Quarter Pounder w/ Cheese Meal lol. Then of course White Castle baby. I think thats about all I had. There was others I should have had but um I didn't wanna put on too much pre surgery weight since Dr. Tom could have cancelled my surgery because of that. lol