anyone know...
I would check it again tomorrow. If you are feeling fine maybe it is ok. Mine runs about 110/70 or even 65. Make sure you are getting in all your fluid and protene. Make sure you don't get dizzy if you get up too fast. If you are not feeling well I would call otherwise jus****ch it. That is only my opinion. I have no medical education.
Mine always runs on the lower side... last night it was 105/65. As far as the dizziness goes.... the story of my life girl. I am dizzy all the time. The more water I get in the less dizzy I am... and I get a minimum of 75 oz in a day. I did have a nurse tell me to drink something other than water.... like propel because it has sodium in it... just to retain some of my electrolytes. She said with regular water.... it just goes right through you since you drink so much. So I for a week I went to straight propel water.... and drank gobs of it lol and that seemed to help out a great deal.
If you are worried about your bp and the being dizzy you could always email dr. tom or taryn.
I will have to try to propel I don't know if my tummy will like it but hey I will try anything once. Least I know that I am not the only one with really low pressure. I guess I am still adjusting to everything. It's been crazy. Hopefully like I said I can drink the propel since for some wierd reason I have not been able to handle artifical sweetners at the moment. That's the story of my life lol.
But I do have some good news I had a crying spell tonight that freaked out several of my family members lol. I got the hair up my butt to try on a pair of pants I haven't even been able to fit my legs in much less get near my belly for about 2 years now. Well they were actually baggy on me. All I could do was start crying lol. I feel like a crazy person but it was soooo nice to be able to do that since I love those pants anyway. WEEEEEEE ok I am done ranting haha.
my home nurse that visited me this evening was talking to me about when to call my doc about my blood pressure because i'm on 2 medications, (1 of which Dr. Tom already cut in half yay!), and she said if the bottom number gets below 50 and the top number gets below 100. but either way if you are getting dizzy you should definitely give Dr. Tom a call. better safe than sorry!