Need Positive Thoughts Sent My Way
The latest saga:
I went to see my PCP yesterday for a follow-up from my hospital stay and he told me I looked awful. Just what a girl wants to hear. I feel worse than I did when I was in the hospital. I am so tired!!!!! Despite being on new nausea medication, I am not able to keep anything down, nothing!!!! I am even puking up water. The sight and smell of food send me over the edge. He did some blood work and he didn't like some of the results. I have to go back Friday for more blood work and if things are not better, he is talking about a blood transfusion. He also brought up that it could be possible that no only my PICC line was infected, but there could be a possiblity that the filter I had inserted before the bypass could be causing me to feel so ill. He wants to do more blood cultures next week. My poor little veins are shot. They are not going to give anymore. I still have a low grade fever being on antibiotics and always cold. I told him I am so cold because I have less insulation. Will this ever end?
I'm sorry you are feeling so bad!! What is this about a blood transfusion? Are you losing blood? If not, why a blood transfusion? (Does it have something to do with your body producing white blood cells or something like that?)
I had a bout with high fever an sweats and very sick after my scope on October 16th. I ended up in the hospital and they gave me 4 bags of antibiotics, 4 of potassium and 1 of magnesium and some other stuff. I felt completely wiped out!! But, I have not had my surgery yet (lap-band). I have never had a PICC line either, but the talked about doing one because it took them 8 times to hit a vein and then they stuck me two more times for blood! I know how you feel about that.
I do hope you feel better soon!! It worries me when people get sick after surgery!! It's all so scary in the first place. I'm not on your profile at the moment so I don't know what kind of surgery you had. But, this is why I chose the lap-band. They can reverse it quickly if needed. I'm so scared of becoming mal-nourished. I don't eat red meat, and there may be a protein issue. I hope not! And, they said my potassium and magnesium probably ran low all of the time because it was almost nothing when they tested me in the hospital. So, I started myself on vitamins, already! And, I have to eat a bananna a day. And some kind of leafy or green vegetable a day -- which I'm finding hard to do. You can only eat so much of a good thing, you know? LOL (Brocolli, Brussel Sprouts, Green Beans & Peas) If I get tired of them now, I won't eat them later either. And, that's not good!
But, anyway........
I will be praying for you. Please keep us posted on how you are doing.
God Bless