Saw Dr. Tom Today...He is wonderful
I can see the pics... but that doesnt look like me is what im saying.... I know what sizes I can wear....but then i look down and im like yea I can fit into this size but its gotta be wrong because I still look the same. This is gonna get crazy confusing.... anyway I hope you guys know what im saying here.
I know exactly what u r saying. I feel the same way about my looks. I know, my brain knows, that I have lost weight, alot of freaking weight, but my eyes just don't see it the way others do. My aunt saw me last weekend and she was like, oh no, u have lost more weight. I said no, I've been the same since March. I've had surgery. I weigh 157-160 depending on what time of the month it is, lol. I know I'm smaller and I wish I could see it as good as others do. To me, u look great, u look so small and thin now. But I understand what u r saying about seeing it in yourself cause I'm the same. Yes, I can tell that I've lost weight and I do look different. I just don't see it as much as others. I've got my before and after pics taped up on my fridge door, that way if I get the urge to be bad or graze I see that. I know its nuts right? Freaks people out when they come over to see it. Some people have pics their kids colored on their fridge, I have me! Oh well. I hear ya on not seeing it! U do look great to me though.