OT: Orthopedic Surgeon in Louisville, Dr Lewis???
Post Date: 11/7/06 2:33 pm
Adam is still having alot of lower back pain from our car accident. I won't get into the whole story of the accident again cause I've posted about it several times. I just wanted to update everyone and let u know whats going on now. We appreciate all your support and prayers so much and finally I see a light at the end of this very long tunnel. The chiro has been helping Adam with the bulging disc in his neck, that is working out good. But his lower back is getting worse with each visit. At first they told us the MRI showed no nerve impingement but now all of the sudden he has a herniated disc when we were told it was just bulging down there and has a pinched nerve (that might all be the same thing, I get so confused talking about this). Our MD wants him to start physical therapy and stay away from the chiro for now on the lower back issues cause he says the chiro could make it worse. Our attorney called today and said she recommends him see a orthopedic surgeon up in Louisville who does this surgery that is like a epidural, they use needles and laser somehow instead of opening him up with a knife (scapel). She got a copy of Adams MRI today and his medical records and says she thinks he'd do great with this. She also says for him to stay away from the chiro. I'm not knocking our chiro. He has helped us, just not Adams lower back, in fact, after each visit lately Adams been hurting worse. I feel good about this procedure our attorney is talking about. I actually feel positive about it and how it might help Adam. I got so excited I forgot to ask her what its called exactly but they're calling back tomorrow to set us up an appt with this guy. He is the only orthopedic surgeon in Ky that does this type of procedure and he only started doing it this year. Not sure what its called but it sounds promising. Anyone ever heard of anything like this or been thru this? She said its alot like a spinal tap or epidural and they use needles and laser instead of cutting him all the way open. I just hope it works. He's in so much pain. I'm ready to try anything. Thanks again for your prayers and support and if anyone knows anything about this procedure any info would be appreciated.
His name is Norman Lewis, anyone heard of him or this new procedure?
Hi Angela,
A friend of mine has had a lot of back problems and has had surgery once, and may have to again. I believe it was for a herniated disk.
At first he was on medicine but that soon didn't help at all. His doctor then had him get an epidural. (He's from Ohio. I don't know the doc's name, but I can get it for you if you want) I wonder if this isn't the same thing you're talking about. My friend said the epidural wasn't painful, actually one of the easier procedures he's had done! Afterward, he had to be off work for a day or two. But he said it did help the pain tremendously. He wasn't able to go back to clogging like before his back started hurting, but it allowed him to do everyday activities that he had to stop doing because of the pain. Eventually the disk did get worse and he did have to have surgery. Now another disk is herniated he's looking at possibly having surgery again.