Finally out of the Hospital, again!!!!!!
Well, Murphy's Law- If it is going to happen, it would happen to me.
I just came from the hospital after being there for 10 days!!! Yes, 10 days!!! I was admitted due to my PICC line getting infected and causing an infection in my blood stream that attacked my kidneys. I was on TPN to help me with nutrition and help my ulcer heal, but the PICC line became infected. It is very rare that this happens, but of course it would happen to me. The good news is that the ulcer is healing. My stomach is still killing me and I am VERY nausea, but they are healing. I did have another PICC line put in while in the hospital because I had no veins left. They were not able to draw blood or start an IV, so I had to have another one put in. After talking with Dr. Geller, I decided that I did not want to go home with another PICC line. I was going to try to eat. I never thought it would be so difficult to eat. I have not been too successful yet. My stomach really hurts and I am not able to keep anything down. The massive amount of antibiotics has not helped either. I am hoping this will not last much longer, but I am able to drink a little more. I am up to drinking about 32 oz. They may not sound like alot, but for me, it is an accomplishment. Wish me luck. I need all the help I can get.
I have been thinking about you! So glad to hear you are home.
I am sorry to hear about the infection from the picc. I am a big advocate for picc lines. Its just a shame they dont put em in before the veins get bad. Its horrible trying to find a useable vein after someone has been stuck almost constantly.
Anyway... 32oz isnt too bad hon, you are trying to get it in and thats a great start! It will get better with every day that passes.
Glad you are home!!! Keep us posted when you feel up to it!