UPDATE...Doing Great!!!
Hello All,
So sorry I haven't posted in a while, so here we go.. My surgery went wonderfully. I am feeling great and have lots of energy usually. This weekend has been particularly tough as I am back at work now. I had forgotten how hard it was to work 9:30 pm to 8:00 am...WOW. Other than that everything seems to be going great for me. I went into the surgery weighing 341lbs and when I weighed Friday I was down to 323 at our group meeting. I am so pleased with how everything is going, still worried I will mess up thoough as I start to eat actual foods now.
I hope you all are still doing well and I am so glad to be on the loosing side with you all. I will do my best to try and catch up on the boards later tonight after I have been able to get a little sleep, as I still have about 2 hours of work to go.
God Bless All,
First of all...CONGRATS! On the weight loss thats awesome!!!
I know I had a hard time going to regular foods but its not half as bad as what I had expected. Hang in there hon you are doing great!!
3rd shift is a bear huh... I work 9:30p- 6a.... been doing it for over a year now and im still not used to it. go figure.
Thanks for the update!!!!! Keep em coming.
Hi Mike,
Been wondering about the two of you...That is an awesome loss...I am still on the pureed diet till I see the Dr on the 21st...How is Dee doing..? You will do great on the next phase with having her by your side to help you along....I think it is great that the two of you are going through this together...I am lucky too in that I have my sister and daughter guiding me through...I go back to work today...Keep up the good work...You big ole loser you...lol
Michael congrats on your losing the weight. YOu should do all right on the foods.
Now about this nightshift, I have been on nights almost the past 18 years. I have had a few stints on other shifts but always find myself back on nights. Let me say this I think it is catching up on me as my body is breaking down . I am getting older and night shift doesen't agree with me as it use to. MAybe if it wasn't 7p-730a.... BUT remember it is always rough when you first get back from a vacation.