Been In hospital.........
Well i spent another day in the hospital, were i havent been able to eat or drink i got dehydrated,and needed 3 liters of fluid then for the pain morphine and phen for being nauseaus. I want you all to pray that Dr.Neighbert will help me tomm, i have been seeing him for about a mo for this and the darvocets have not helped me at all. All i did yesterday was foam all day. I hurt everytime i eat or drink. I weigh in at 116lbs and thats with me on my monthly, i just hope i dont lose anymore, i need to weigh around 130 to look my best lol................thanks to all for there help!!!!
I'm sorry to hear that you have been in the hospital. I hope you will turn the corner and start feeling better soon! I have to tell you though, you look GREAT! I was looking at your pictures and could not believe the transformation. Jane was telling me how sick you have been and I just was amazed. I can't imagine not being able to eat and that has to be just terrible!!
Every now and then do you just look in the mirror and think..OMG I look damn good!?!?
I have one question for you....even though you have had so many problems, if you knew then what you know now....would you do it again???