Anyone awake out there?
lol I hear ya. When Adam was a truck driver we were thru Florence all the time. It didn't take long at all to get from Louisville up there. We always had this one place we stopped at. Glencoe, I think was the name of it. They had good cheeseburgers, not that I can have them now, but back then. I would love a girls night out. Heck, I was planning on going to my first support group meeting with my aunt and a friend the other night and he nipped that in the bud. If I'm not right on top of him all the time he thinks somethings going on. I think he's got cabin fever by not being able to work or get out and do alot. I don't know. He strained and hurt himself worse today throwing a fit. Men, they can be such babies. But I love the fart. I guess I'd better get back to bed. I'm tired, stress wears me out, lol. I will try to hop on here tomorrow and say hey. We've got early morning dr appts for him and his dad, then I got cleaning to do a pineapple upside down cake and a better than sex cake to make and a huge pot of chili for the dad and the dad in laws bday party Sat. I might be busy tomorrow, but I'll try to get on to say hey to my family on here! u guys be good, or just be careful!
Thanks Jane, its been a better day so far. I'm exhausted from dr appts, chiro appts this morning already. Just started my pineapple upside down cake for my daddy in law and I got to cook my dads fav, better than sex cake. Then your chili recipe later and clean the house all on top of that. I feel like poop. Plus I gotta drive to Bowling Green tonight, this afternoon and grab my stepson...I'm so tired. Man, I should sleep good tonight!