Anyone awake out there?
Ok Ok Ok just got in from the Fridgid Artic Air. I will not be able to live here. Just bought 2 sets of Cuddle Duds, (fancey thermal undies). Feeling a little better. Felt fine last week and this week feel like I've been run over by a truck. I don't know if
surgery does that. Swelling is almost gone and wt is only 3 pounds heavier than going into the hospital. Everyone wake up. I have to go write up my Avon Orders so that Avon can Call tomorrow.
He listen you said Whim too. When I posted I was the first under Sarah and somehow it looks like I'm low man on the totem Poll.(Spelling is terrible). Girls night out ok but you know me. I want my husband to tag a long. Maybe we could do an afternoon on one of the Boats. We could dress up and spend a little not a lot but feel like we went somewhere. No Buffets.
Actually Brenda, I went to bed around 11:30 ish pm last night.... I woke up at 3am and have been up since... its my off day and I cant seem to get any sleep! I did change my profile a bit though.. I think it looks wicked cool but thats just my opinion lol. I am going to try to get out and get some clothes today at Janes fav. place to shop for cheap clothes lol
Also Brenda, If you want your pics and stuff done for your profile or if you want your entire profile done.. email me the info and what you want on it. Otherwise I already have pics to use for your avatar thing. Let me know or call me later