Adams Better!!! Whoo Hoo!
Thought I'd update everyone, Adam is still in pain some, but he is so much
better than he was. He's still off work for at least 10 more days cause his
factory doesn't have light duty. He got outside and walked around some and
piddled in his garage. I told him he'd better not be out there lifting, bending
or doing anything to hurt himself. He says he didn't, if he did he'll be
hurting again tomorrow. I am so relieved that he's doing better. I still don't
know when he's short term disability will start, its been 2 weeks now that he's
been out of work. They want to come get my car this week and I have to take the
rental back before they pay the settlement on my car. I thought I'd keep the
rental till I got paid or that they wouldn't be able to get my car before we
settled and signed papers. I don't know. At least Allison and I don't have
chiro appts till Tues. Tomorrow I'll be on the phone with their insurance,
ours, his short term disabililty people to see when that is starting, and of
course finding out when he's appt to see the neuro surgeon is. Thats just a
precaution our doc wants to make sure that Adam is ok. U can tell by looking at
him that he is not hurting any where near as bad as he was. Well everyone take
care. Hope u all r warm and safe tonight.