Just spoke with Kathy and Toni
I just spoke with Kathy, she sounds like a super sweet lady. She said she was feeling great, she was kind of hoarse from the tube being down her throat durning surgery, but other than that was feeling good. Thank u all for your kind thoughts and prayers.
Also I spoke with Toni and she's doing better today, not as sore. Both ladies seem to be doing pretty good.
That thing with your messageboard pic is so freaking cool! How do u do that? I still can't even change my messageboard pic. I downloaded irfanview and I can now resize but when I try to resize one to the messagboard size its all distorted. Plus I've been so stressed out from the accident, taking care of Adam, the house, the kids, fighting the insurance co's I have no clue how to change my profile. I finally got my old profile fixed with pretty purple unicorns and now I've got to figure out the new kind when ever I have a spare hour or two. I swear I am computer illiterate. I do like your messageboard pic, its neat.