A day and a Half to Go
WOW can't hardly believe it is almost here. I have to be at St Joe's East at 6:15am Monday morning for my surgery. Dr. Steiner says I should be in surgery by 7:30 am and done no later than 9:00 am or so. If my surgery goes as well as Dee's then I will be very happy with it. I am looking forward to being on the losing side. I have to admit I am getting a little more nerveous and anaxious each day...heck each hour that passes. I am very suprised at how well I have done on the pre-op diet. I weighed in at my pre-op visit on Wednesday at 341 lbs. That is about a 24 to 25 lb loss from my first visit. I was very pleased and little shcoked by that. Maybe I can keep that success up after surgery.
I also want to say thank you to all of you have been so supportive of me through out this and I am so blessed to have you all behind me.
God Bless,
Congratrs!! I am so excited for you! I think its great that you and Dee have decided to do this together. Its awesome having people there that know what you are feeling, and going through... I have Jane lol and the rest of the family that knows exactly what its like. I wish you the best of luck with an uneventful surgery and a speedy recovery!
Also dont forget to have Dee update us on your progress
You will do great! We cant wait to have ya on the losing side
Thanks Sarah for all the support and encouragement. I am very lucky and blessed to have Dee and I am so thankful that she is doing so great herself. Dee will be sure and keep you all updated on my progress.
I know it is easier when you have support like you and your family. Ya'll keep up the great work as well.
God Bless You All,
Michael....good luck my friend, I know you will do wonderfully...I have known a few couples who have had this surgery, together they really encourage each other and work together. It sounds like you guys are going to do just that. You are both very lucky.
Take care of yourself and keep us informed.