Injury Attorneys???
We're going to need a good injury attorney close to Etown. Louisville, Bowling Green's fine. Any suggestions? We were in a accident Sunday night, all have whiplash. Hubbys hurt pretty bad and off work at least a month, at least. It wasn't our fault. A elderly couple pulled across the road in front of us and we hit a embankment and 3 stop signs. They have insurance and we do too. But everyone keeps saying get a attorney. So I thought Monday after doing some research this weekend I'd call one. Who is the best injury attorney? I thought about calling Issacs up in Louisville or Hughes and Coleman. Any thoughts?
For full details on the accident see my post about my husband being hurt.
Hey Ange,
They're all pretty much the same. Just meet with a couple or talk to them on the phone and you will get the feeling of who you trust and want to go with. It's pretty much just getting out there and talking to someone. I didn't even have an injury attorney when I had my accident. I just used one of our locals and he done very well for me. I couldn't have asked for a better one! I would just make a few phone calls and see what you think. I know this time isn't easy for any of you. I've been through it. Thank God, I was traveling alone that evening! I can't imagine having everyone laid up at once. That's terrible! Tell Adam to hang in there and take it easy and one day at a time. He will get there. I know it seems that he won't, but it just takes a while. He has sufferred a great trauma and it takes a while for our bodies to recoup after something like that. I didn't even sleep afterwards and still have sleeping problems. I kept seeing the accident when I closed my eyes. But, I don't do that anymore. It has just caused me to have very bad sleeping habits. I can't seem to fix them. But, all I get is 3 hours of sleep a day, and that seems to be all I need. So, I have adjusted to it. I hope only the best for you guys!! If you need me, just give me a holler.
Yea, time is all we have when we are in that kind of shape. But, we keep asking ourselves if it's ever going to end. I remember how restricted and miserable I was. I couldn't even take care of myself. Couldn't bend over and tie my shoes, or even wash my own hair!! I was very frustrating! And, to be a man in that shape must be even double that!! You know how men are!!! ha ha If they can't do it themselves, they don't want anyone else doing it for them. ha ha (Well, some thing.)
Well, I'm going out to sit on my porch and enjoy some of the day.
U r so right. He is able to do most everything for himself. When I'm not here he gets himself stuff to eat, drink, he showers himself, dresses himself. I do help him with his socks and shoes. I think the main thing is time and its going to take some for him to heal. I think both of us will feel more confident once we turn this over to an attorney and we don't have to wonder if we're doing something right. He went out earlier and walked around. Alot of walking makes his head hurt worse. He keeps a bad headache but thats probably also normal with the nerves, muscles he's got messed up. Oh well. We were out earlier and he went out to look at the rental car, to our daughter Allison its a big deal. I keep telling her its not ours but she doesn't understand. Oh well. Its a nice car, just too small. I wouldn't buy one. We need a mini van, lol.