Tour of hospital room
Hi! One week from today is my surgery!! I had to go up to Norton Suburban Hospital today for yet ANOTHER tests (one they had not done before), so after I was done..... I decided I would just go up to the 7th floor to look around (I think this is the floor that many bariatric patients end up on recuperating. I wandered down a hall and met a really nice RN and I told her that I was just kind of looking around since I would be having my surgery next Friday. She showed me a vacant room and I could not believe how beautiful and spacious it was!! She said that all of them are private rooms and many patients are pleasantly surprised with their size and comfort. I am really getting excited. It still hasn't hit me yet to be nervous..... so far I am still just really anxious!! I traded back a gown and robe that I had purchased to wear in the hospital and will just be wearing long pajamas for my stay. Toni Stewart has her surgery the day before mine, so we plan to get togbether and walk the halls!!