Obesity Lawyer
Hey Tiffany-
Just wanted to let you know to have no worries! Mr. Gary Viscio is the best. However, you may want to e-mail him instead of calling. He is able to get back to the e-mails much quicker. I used Mr. Viscio to get my denials overturned for my lap-band surgery and in just 1 week he researched my case, developed and sent an appeal letter and my peer to peer overturned the denial in just 2 minutes on the phone with my surgeon. So, as I was saying he's wonderful. He is a former patient himself so his level of empathy and understanding as well as his knowledge of the surgery and issues with insurance is definetly invaluable. He is listed under the obesity help insurance site with his e-mail and other info. Best of luck, but I know if you use Mr. Viscio, you won't need it.
Best Wishes
I hired Gary after not getting anywhere with Walter. Gary got me approved even though it took a year and it seemed at times we were getting nowhere fast. Don't let the fees keep you from hiring him, he was very good at working that part out with me. He's a great person and truly cares if you get approved. Good Luck to you!