OT: My hubby got hurt (long)

(deactivated member)
on 10/11/06 11:47 am - Elizabethtown, KY
I posted the other day that we were in a car accident Sunday night and tonight I'm needing some support and words of wisdom from u guys, my OH family. I'm going to give the details on what happened then if some of u have been thru this and can shed some light on whats going on with Adam, my DH, I would appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. Heres what happened. We live in Etown Ky. We meet Adams ex in Bowling Green every other weekend for his vistation with our son James. Sunday night we were traveling down one of the old country roads instead of the interstate for a change of scenery to take James back to his mom. We were traveling along about 50-55. There were a couple of cars ahead of us but there was plenty of space in between. We came up on a intersection. We were traveling south. An elderly gentleman was traveling north. He started to turn at the intersection right ahead of us. He came over in our lane right in front of us. We swerved, Adam tried to turn into the other road, there was another car at the stop sign. He had to take the ditch that of course had a huge embankment. There were 4 street, stop signs there. We went over them and pulled 3 all the way out of the ground and drug them across the parking lot of a small gas station. We finally got stopped halfway across the parking lot. We were all shook up pretty bad. There were 5 of us in the car, a dodge neon. My stepson, daughter and father in law were in the back seat. I was in the passenger seat up front, Adam was driving. We had witnesses that saw the older man cut us off and thats on the police report. We're all sore but Adam is worse than any of us. The chiropractor says we all have whiplash and have to come in 10 days in a row for adjustments. The adjustments aren't helping Adam, he's having horrible headaches, shoulder pain, lower back pain, tingling, numbness, pain in his wrist from fighting the steering wheel and trying to keep the car from flipping. He's off work for at least 2 weeks and is supposed to be getting his short term disability. Plus the other insurance co is supposed to pay him lost wages or something. The chiropractor is telling him that when he trys adjusting him he can't pop nothing back on Adam. He doesn't really know what to do for him. Adam went to our family dr today to see what he could tell him and get some pain pills. His neck and head are hurting so bad and he can barely walk. The rest of us are sore but ok really. I feel fine. My 4 yr old daughter is playing like normal. My stepson is sore hasn't missed school because of this. We did have his mom take him to a chiropractor to get checked out, although I don't know why we didn't just go to our family dr to begin with. We did go to the ER Sunday night after it happened. We sat for 5 hours without seeing a blasted dr or nurse, we were exhausted so we just left and decided to wait till Monday morning. Adam thought since his back was hurting he'd start off by going to a chiropractor. Did we do wrong? Should we all see the family dr as well? I've never been in an accident. I am so worried about him cause he's hurting so bad. He took care of me thru my open rny and 4 1/2 weeks ago thru my abdominoplasty. Have any of u been hurt like this? How long did it last? What should we do? Some people are saying I need to talk to an attorney, some are saying wait awhile. I know we aren't going to settle with them anytime soon cause we don't know how we're going to be medically in a few months down the road. Any thoughts and advice are appreciated. Adam is normally the strong one. He's always taken care of me and spoiled me rotten. What can I do for him? Sitting idle is not something he does well. What can I do to help him thru this besides loving and supporting him? Thanks ya'll Ange
Shannon D.
on 10/11/06 1:29 pm - Louisville, KY
I think by taking care of him,waiting on him and giving him TLC will help him get through this.Letting him know you are there for him,he didn't do anything wrong and everything..is the best thing you can do for him. My husband was in an accident before we were married right when we met and he got a lawyer early on.I would do it.They will get you the money you deseve (does that sound hokey or what?!) and make sure the insurance companies,your dh's workplace,etc is treating you right.It may take a bit but you will get taken care of. Right at first John (my dh) felt okay and then he was like your dh..he started having almost the same signs.He was off work for 2 weeks,went to his doctor several times and took pain medicine and muscle relaxers,and then went to the chiropractor for months for adjustments and massages.He would go daily during work hours even when he went back to work..go and then go back to work.It was a VERY hard time for him.He thought he would never be normal again..he couldn't walk well,could not stand to sit through a movie (or anything) and after a while he was fine.However even now he has some back problems he said started then.I would say he has arthritis in it but he hasn't been to a dr about it since. I think ALL of you should see a doctor.You just never know..it's better safe than sorry.It sounds like your DH should have x-rays for sure.I think chiropractors are awesome at what they do but they aren't doctors. I think a lawyer knows best in this case (along with doctors) because they know what you deserve and what's right/wrong for the insurance companies to do.As a "regular" person we don't know what exactly to do in these cases.Most of them don't ask for payment until you get your settlement either. I am praying for you all! (((Hugs)))
(deactivated member)
on 10/11/06 11:26 pm - Elizabethtown, KY
Thanks Shannon, I've got a lot of running to do today but I might try and call around soon! Thanks!!!!
Mr Buddha
on 10/11/06 4:22 pm - florence, KY
Angela I have been to a chiropractor a number of times and have had a bunch of success from those visits. I would swear by them and at them. WHy you ask??? Because you go due to being in pain, but they have to give you more pain to feel better. I have a recurring problem with the L5/L6 vertabrae in my back. Many causes; sleeping wrong, my WEIGHT, getting hit my a baseball fight in a fight and a sedidentary job at the time. I went to the GP first but had no luck with muscle relaxers/anti-inflammatories. Finally one of the girls I worked with suggested I go see her Chiro. SO I called and set up an appointment. I go, he looks me over and sends me to the hospital for xrays of the spine. I was to big to xray in his office. I come back with the xrays and he looks at them and even shows me two of my verts are out of alignment. He went ahead and gave me a treatment then and scheduled me for 4 visits a week for the next three weeks, stating that it would probably take that long to work those 2 back the right way. After that first treatment and electromuscular shock therapy, I was ready to cry as I hobbled out to the car. I was in pain for about an hour, than it wore off and I did feel a little bit better. I went for the second visit same thing. On the third he was doing the treatment and stated he thoughht that one was getting ready to go back into place in the next visit or so as he can feel the shift happening when he pushes. Well not more than a push or two after he says that, he pushed and I felt something similar to the bat incident, I screamed and practically came off the table fists balled, looking for whomever had just hit me again. I look around no doctor, I yelled for him and he replied from behind the door. He was scared I was going to kill him from the look in my eyes and my reaction. I asked what happened, he said that one of the verts popped back in place. He came from behind the door somewhat gingerly, checked me out and said not only did it go back the other popped back too, Thats why it hurt so bad, because his angle off just a bit it forced both with a bit more inficise(sp) on the word force for #2. He helped me over to the shock table and left me there for about forty minutes to calm those muscles down. I think Adam might have went too soon to the chiro, he is still in the injured state and probably has more muscular problems from the accident than skeletal issues. go to the Family doctor and get checked out I feel you might me wasting some time and money going to the chiro just yet. IN equation to make it easier to understand you can relate better with is this. You didn't go out and have your plastic surgery right after Dr Shina got done did you, nope you waited to see what the tool dr. Shina gave you could do and then when you went as far as you could go you got some help from PS. An old addage is time heals all wounds. you know this is true but waiting for time sucks.
(deactivated member)
on 10/11/06 11:25 pm - Elizabethtown, KY
Hey Ryan, u r right. I think that in time yes, the chiro dr could help Adam. Right now this is a new injury and I think it will have to heal some before he can help him. He's just in so much pain and has keep a bad headache since it happened. Nothing is helping. Its frustrating cause I can't help him. He will get better, we just gotta take it one day at a time. Thanks and I hope u get some good news soon!
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