liver biopsy before surgery
I have not heard of anyone saying they had to have a liver biopsy before surgery. Is this routine, or is there something they are looking for?
I have heard someone talking about having one before, in the doctor's office. They said it wasn't too painful. Just uncomfortable. I think it's more of a cramping feeling for a day or so afterwards. The only pain is when they actually take the biopsy of the liver, it's kind of like a pinching/stinging pain, they said.
Hope this helps. Let us know how it goes.
Thanks for your response Sharee. I finally emailed the docs office and found out this is something Dr. Argotte routinely does on all of his patients so he can make sure the liver is healthy. I also found out that he does it while he is doing the banding surgery. It was making me a little nervous. I am more anxious about being under anesthesia, than I am the actual banding. I had two surgeries in 1990, and was very ill after both, because of the anesthesia. Some of the surgery nurses that work here, tell me that anesthesia meds have changed alot, so maybe I won't end up with an NG tube this time. Thanks again for the info on the biopsy.